Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Noble Peace Blog

          This is what an Abby Rose Noble looks like.

 I haven't written anything in awhile because I'm not with my previous mom, Cady. I thought about writing my adventures in finding new parents. Glad I thought that though  and realized they would read my blog and probably be pretty hurt and pissed when I wrote about how it didn't work out and why.  So I waited and waited. Then I got out of the mood of blogging for awhile but, in the back of my mind I told myself by the new year if  things aren't on track I would write no matter what.

So here is to no matter what.

2013. Insane! Resolutions time. I've decided to make the first step in making a mends to people that may have hard feelings towards me. I'd also like to be more creative then I was last year. I felt a real block. It scared me and made me depressed. Around the end of last year I felt I was starting to snap out of it. It's just time for change.

Lets get to the Nobles. Blossom and Noah are my parents. They used to own some stores but closed them due to the fact they wanted a sl family. Dad is a great builder. Mom has a great sense of style for fashion and decorating.  Well Dad has an amazing fashion sense too. Then you have my sister Mia. I knew her from Hogwarts. She is a kind heart. I adore her. My other sister Lemon has her own family. Husband Pixel and two daughters Evie and Kaci. Evie I haven't yet met but if she is anything like Kaci I will for  sure to get along with her just fine.  Lemon is amazing. I feel at home when I'm with her and her family.

Even though we didn't spend Christmas together. Our home was very Winter wonderlandish. Here are a few pictures I took.

Lemon had her own little cabin of Christmas fun. I took my Holiday card  snap shot there but then forgot and never sent it out. So belated Happy Holidays to all.

                                                                    The Robit

I had this picture in my mind where I was oiling the robit while he was typing a 100 word story. I kindly asked Mr. Mariner if I could set things up and snap our picture.

I had gotten one of those mask faces from the Arcade Gotcha and its eyes were so sad. It made me think of a lost girl. So I searched for a run down area. Reminds me if this story I've been working on for a long time called Greetings from the Geeky Ghost Girl.

 Here is my friend Bren's sister Sweet's  wedding. It was really pretty.

 Congratulations to Shawn and Sweets.

Lets make 2013 the best year of our lives.

Absy Absy out.

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